The Samarinda City Police (Polresta) have arrested a motorcycle theft syndicate (curanmor) in 13 crime scenes (TKP) with three perpetrators acting in the capital city of East Kalimantan (Kaltim).

"The perpetrators who are members of this network are secured by the Sungai Pinang Police, there are 13 motorbikes stolen by the perpetrators," said Samarinda Police Chief Commissioner Ary Fadli during a press conference at the Sungai Pinang Police Office, Samarinda, Monday, June 10, which was confiscated by Antara.

He revealed that the three suspects involved in this case were EH (42) as executors, DS (36) as providers of transportation or driving, and AS (27) as collectors.

According to Ary, the syndicate's freeze started from a report on behalf of the Supreme Court, which was the victim of the theft of his N-MAX motorcycle on Wednesday, May 29 at 03.00 WITA, on Jalan Pemuda IV Blok D, Temndung Permai Village, Samarinda City. The estimated loss reached IDR 28 million.

After receiving the report, he continued, the police immediately moved quickly to the TKP and continued further investigation operations.

Meanwhile, EH, who is the executor of motorcycle theft, also provided information about his crimes. He claimed to have committed dozens of thefts in 2024

Ary explained that the modus operandi used by the perpetrators in this motorcycle theft case was to target a motorcycle that was not locked by a handlebar, so that the motor could be easily pushed. This action is usually carried out at dawn.

He mentioned that the main executor was EH, who was assisted by DS to steal the motorcycle. Then, the stolen goods were sold to the US, which acted as collectors, with prices ranging from Rp. 3.5 million to Rp. 5 million.

The US perpetrators, he said, then resold the motorbikes at a higher price, which was around Rp. 6 million to Rp. 8 million per unit. These motorbikes were sold to the Karangan Village area, East Kutai Regency, East Kalimantan.

"The proceeds of the crime were delivered using an Inova car which we have secured. Additional information, the two perpetrators were recidivist in the 2021 theft case," said Ary.

According to the Police Chief, the perpetrators were charged with Article 363 of the Criminal Code concerning theft and 480 of the Criminal Code concerning custodians, with a maximum penalty of seven years in prison.

"For people who feel they have lost their motorbikes, it is recommended to come to the Sungai Pinang Police Office, Samarinda. Keep in mind that some motorbikes have also experienced changes by the perpetrators," he said.

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