JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government ensured that the first phase of social assistance from the Jakarta Smart Plus Card (KJP) was disbursed in the second week of June 2024.

"The public who are prospective recipients of the KJP Plus do not have to worry, I will confirm that it will be disbursed this week (for the first phase of 2024)," said Acting DKI Jakarta Education Office Budi Awaluddin, Sunday, June 9.

KJP Plus is given to residents of DKI Jakarta specifically in order to provide 12-year compulsory access to students aged 6-21 years old from underprivileged families.

Budi said distribution in the first phase of 2024 was too late because the Government needed to re-match and re-verify such as the domicile of recipients having to be in DKI Jakarta, not owning four-wheeled vehicles and property assets above Rp1 billion.

Another thing that needs to be verified is that the recipients in the family card do not have the status of civil servants, TNI/Polri, members of the MPR RI/DPR RI/DPD RI/ Provincial DPRD/Regency/City DPRD, permanent employees of BUMN/BUMD.

The government, continued Budi, wants to maintain and ensure that this budget is right on target so that the principle of justice in the education sector can be realized together.

As for the disbursement of aid, according to him, it was carried out in several stages and in the first stage it consisted of two waves.

"At this stage, there are recipients who really need or as underprivileged residents to vulnerable residents," he said.

Budi emphasized that programs must be right on target and the distribution is more selective to families who really need and are recorded in the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS).

"From elementary to high school / equivalent levels, both public and private schools, if they are classified as poor citizens, they are entitled to this program," he said.

Budi added that people want to see and feel that KJP Plus recipients are right on target and to ensure that KJP Plus recipient data is really entitled to it, the verification team is more selective.

The information gathered stated that the amount of cash social assistance funds for SD/MI was Rp. 250 thousand, SMP was Rp. 300 thousand, SMA was Rp. 420 thousand, SMK was Rp. 450 thousand and the Center for Community Learning Activities was Rp. 300 thousand.

However, Budi has not specified the total amount of disbursement this time, whether a month or more, including the total number of recipients.

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