A total of 125 entrepreneurs in the Gili Meno tourist area, North Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), have been affected by the clean water crisis that has been going on for the past three weeks. "So, this clean water crisis has paralyzed tourism activities in Gili Meno, which is part of the National Tourism Strategic Area (KSPN). At least 125 businessmen in Meno have been affected," said Head of Gili Hotel Association (GHA) Lalu Kusnawan in a written statement received in Mataram, Antara, Friday, June 7. According to him, the root of this crisis problem lies in the legal issue that befell PT Gerbang NTB Emas (GNE), a regional business entity (BUMD) NTB together with PT Berkah Air Laut (BAL). As a result of this legal problem, PT GNE and PT BAL which manage clean water in Gili Trawangan are no longer able to channel the needs of their consumers, most of whom are in the Gili Meno area. Under these conditions, Lalu questioned the role of the government which seemed slow in handling the clean water crisis. "Therefore, we ask the government to immediately resolve this issue. Water is a basic need, and without water, hotels cannot receive guests," he said. In addition, the impact of this clean water crisis is increasingly heavy for entrepreneurs due to the high cost of water supply from outside the island. Entrepreneurs must spend around Rp. 2.5 million per day to bring clean water, which of course burdens business operations.
This situation was badly created with post-COVID-19 pandemic conditions that have not fully recovered. Tourism business actors are still struggling to rise, and this clean water crisis is a new obstacle to efforts to recover the tourism economy. Therefore, continued Lalu, his party asked the government to take concrete and quick steps in resolving the clean water crisis in Gili Meno. The government also needs to prepare long-term solutions so that the clean water supply in Gili Meno can be maintained in a sustainable manner.

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