JAKARTA - The United Development Party (PPP) is still in doubt about determining the political stance, whether to join the elected government coalition of president and vice president Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka, or outside the upcoming government.
Acting (Plt) Chairperson of PPP, Muhammad Mardiono, stated that currently PPP is focusing on efforts to qualify for parliament and strengthening national consolidation for the 2024 Pilkada.
"Today the most important thing is the issue of national consolidation for the Pilkada, and to encourage how our struggle can qualify for parliament," Mardiono said at the Rapimnas to IX event in Tangerang, Thursday, June 6.
When asked whether the PPP support base wanted the opposition or joined the government, Mardiono said that differences in political attitudes were normal in democracy.
"The name is democracy, yes. My only five children are different, if someone asks to go to the beach and someone asks for a mini park, yes, our democracy will not be unanimous," he said.
"Because in every democratic country there is no unanimous one, but if there is a difference, we will solve it in the direction of the same decision," added Mardiono.
Nevertheless, Mardiono emphasized that PPP did not rule out the possibility of joining the government or staying outside. The decision will be taken after the IX national leadership meeting is over.
"Later, if it turns out to be present in this meeting, it could be decided tonight. This meeting is wide open, does not close their rights. As a sovereign right, of course we will provide a wide space," he explained.
Dalam Rapimnas ke IX, beberapa agenda menjadi fokus pembahasan PPP. Salah satunya adalah peran penting PPP dalam penyelenggaraan Pilkada 2024, termasuk pencalonan kader PPP di berbagai daerah.
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