JAKARTA - The NasDem Party plans to carry the eldest son of the 3rd President of the Republic of Indonesia BJ Habibie, Ilham Akbar Habibie by giving a letter of recommendation to run in the 2024 West Java gubernatorial election.

Chairman of the Regional Leadership Council (DPW) of the West Java NasDem Party, Saan Mustopa, said that his party had established communication with a number of political parties (political parties) at the provincial level.

In this communication, NasDem opened the opportunity to form a coalition by offering the name Ilham to be carried in the 2024 Pilkada, West Java.

"We are building intensive communication with parties, which will build a strategic coalition in West Java. We communicate with PKS, PKB, Gerindra, and others, Democrats, all," said Saan at NasDem Tower, Central Jakarta, Thursday, June 6.

However, the certainty of the coalition will be determined through a follow-up meeting at the central leadership council (DPP) level. Given, West Java is one of the strategic provinces in the implementation of the regional elections.

"So linear later. If this happens linearly, it will be easier for us to create a strategic coalition in West Java," said the Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the DPR.

Previously, when giving a recommendation to run for the West Java gubernatorial election, the General Chairperson of the NasDem Party, Surya Paloh, admitted that he had not yet decided whether Ilham would be promoted as a candidate for governor or deputy governor candidate.

This will be determined after NasDem formed a coalition of evictions with other political parties in the province.

"Well, we'll see the situation on the ground. But the probability I think depends on what is best, as principally as possible in assessing the field field," said Surya.

On that occasion, Surya explained that the recommendation for Ilham to run for the election was not only based on the close relationship between NasDem and BJ Habibie. However, Surya saw that Ilham had the competence to become a regional leader.

"We also have complete confidence that the ability, capacity, and professionalism that you have are capable enough to lead West Java. Hopefully this struggle and initial step will be followed by encouraging results for all of us," explained Surya.

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