The artist and member of the DPR, Krisdayanti, has proven his seriousness in advancing to become a candidate for Mayor of Batu in the 2024 Pilkada. This is evidenced by his arrival to Batu City, Malang.

The arrival of Raul Lemos' wife at the PDIP DPC Office in Batu City was to fulfill her promise, after previously during the process of submitting the registration documents for prospective regional head candidates some time ago could not attend because it coincided with the PDIP National Working Meeting.

This arrival shows Krisdayanti's serious signal of a contest in his hometown after failing to defend the seat of a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives in the 2024 General Election.

Krisdayanti stated that he was serious about running for mayor because of the full push from the community and volunteers. In fact, he has met with other elite ranks of parties regarding this matter. However, the decision, he said, still depends on the DPP's decision.

"According to my promise to attend in person. Even though it's not in the context of registration, I'm still willing to come here. This is a form of my struggle to continue to come down to greet the community," said Krisdayanti, Wednesday, June 5.

Krisdayanti is eager to run in the 2024 Batu City Pilkada, it's just that he inevitably has to wait for a recommendation decision from his party to join, PDIP.

When the recommendations come down, he is ready to carry out the party's duties. Moreover, the encouragement to build Batu City is a mandatory thing as a regional princess.

"Since the first school here until now I have seen that there are still many things that have not changed. For me, this city with extraordinary tourism needs to be developed further. As a regional daughter, I want Batu City to excel at the national level," he said.

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