JAKARTA - The construction of the Al Azhar Islamic School in the capital city of the archipelago (IKN) began with a Groundbreaking ceremony which was held on Tuesday, June 4, 2024. This school is 024 in the Public Service Facilities Sub Zone (SPU) in the Summarecon Nusantara area with an environmentally friendly concept.

The key suppression procession was directly led by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) together with the President Director of PT Summarecon Agung Tbk, Adrianto P. Adhi, Director of PT Summarecon Agung Tbk, Herman Nagaria and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Syiar Bangsa Foundation, H. Edi Darnando, along with several ministers.

Occupying an area of 2.9 hectares, Al Azhar Islamic School in Summarecon Nusantara will present elementary, junior high and high school education levels. This school will become a modern environmentally friendly building which will later be equipped with sports facilities, laboratories and multipurpose buildings.

In the remarks given, President Jokowi said he was very welcome, laying the first stone for the construction of the Al Azhar Summarecon Islamic School in the archipelago. This is because educational facilities are urgently needed by IKN both at the elementary, junior high, high school levels and so on.

"With this facility, I am sure that there will be more investments in the capital city of Nusantara and I am happy that the school building is designed and designed very well. A stage house with elements that are integrated with the environment means that this school has formed a child's character from an early age that is close to the environment and religion," said the President.

Director of PT Summarecon Adrianto explained that the school building took the concept of a house on stilts with the interior of the building carrying the concept of sustainability.

"To present various natural elements such as stones, water and trees that function as passive cooling for buildings so that teaching and learning activities will be more comfortable," said Adrianto, Wednesday, June 5.

The experience of learning in the midst of the green capital city of Nusantara is also realized through the presence of amphitheaters. This open space can be used for various activities outside the classrooms by students.

In addition, the Al Azhar Mosque is also present as an inseparable part of education at the Al Azhar Summarecon Nusantara Islamic School and can also be used by the general public at IKN. There is also a multipurpose building that will accommodate various activities in schools.

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