The Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto agreed to get a call to clarify the Polda Metro Jaya on Tuesday, June 4. He confirmed that he would attend.

"Yes, that's right, tomorrow I will attend and I will be present as a citizen who obeys the law on the order letter addressed to me to make a clarification," Hasto told reporters in the Depok area, Monday, June 3.

Hasto hopes that his presence can be a call for the law not to be used as a tool of power. Although he was also surprised that this summons was due to an interview he conducted in a television station program.

The information circulating Hasto will be examined regarding allegations of incitement and/or dissemination of electronic information or electronic documents that make fake news as referred to in Article 160 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 28 Paragraph (30 Jo. Article 45A paragraph (3) of the ITE Law.

"Even though the party's function is to carry out political education. The party's function is to communicate politically, including voicing things that are not true," he said.

"So, yes, I will be present as part of my responsibility as well as to straighten so that the law is not used as a tool of power," continued Hasto.

Hasto emphasized that he respects the ongoing legal process. Therefore Hasto asked the cadres to remain calm.

They need to go down to the location where they are being investigated. Because for PDI-P cadres who have a legacy in fighting for democracy since Bung Karno then Mrs. Mega, what happened is part of the rituals of a politician's life," said the former member of the DPR RI.

"And I will come with full responsibility," he concluded.

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