Deputy Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (MA) for Judicial Affairs Sunarto said that Pancasila will always have relevance throughout the times.

"Because Pancasila is the ideology of our country, and the philosophy of life for our nation," said Sunarto when met after attending the Commemoration of the Birthday of Pancasila at the MA Building, Jakarta, as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, June 1.

He also said that Pancasila will always be relevant because its value is binding on every citizen. Therefore, he said that the preservation of Pancasila values must be preserved together.

"And one of the momentum is to hold a ceremony to commemorate the birth of Pancasila," he explained.

Meanwhile, he explained that the different theme of the Commemoration of the Birthday of Pancasila is a natural thing because it follows the situation and conditions of the times.

"However, Pancasila's values in history, since Bung Karno was discovered until now, are still very relevant to the life of the nation, society, and state in Indonesia," he said.

The Supreme Court commemorates the Birthday of Pancasila in 2024 by holding a ceremony starting at 07.55 WIB to 08.15 WIB.

The ceremony was also held by taking into account the Circular of the Head of the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency of the Republic of Indonesia Number 2 of 2024 concerning Guidelines for the Commemoration of the Birthday of Pancasila in 2024.

The theme of the 2024 Pancasila Birthday Commemoration is "Pancasila Jiwa Unifying the Nation Towards Golden Indonesia in 2045."

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