JAKARTA - Law enforcement in the United States (US) is dismantling the world's largest malware network used to facilitate and cover up cybercrimes, including fraud, identity theft, and child exploitation.

This demolition was due to the arrest of the mastermind behind this cyber crime named Yunhe Wang, 35. Wang runs a global malware network consisting of 19 million computers infected with malware in many countries.

Al Jazeera reports that Wang runs it through a botnet known as the "911 S5" over an eight-year period since 2014. The botnet contains an IP address infected with malware in 190 countries.

The man from China spreads his malware through Virtual Private Network (VPN) programs, such as MaskVPN and DewVPN, and pay-per-install services that combine his malware with other program files, including pirated versions of licensed software, according to court documents.

The US Department of Justice said Wang had made 99 million dollars or around Rp. 1.6 trillion by offering cybercriminals access to the network at certain costs.

Wang's profits during the run of the scheme have been used to buy luxury and real estate cars in the US, St Kitts and Nevis, China, Singapore, Thailand, and the United Arab Emirates.

So far, the US Department of Justice has confiscated Wang's assets worth 30 million dollars or around IDR 460 billion.

The confiscation with the same nominal will again be carried out as part of this cyber crime demolition operation in coordination with law enforcement in Singapore, Thailand and Germany.

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