The Attorney General's Office has succeeded in uncovering state losses from tin trading management in the Mining Business Permit (IUP) area of PT Timah Tbk (TINS) 2015-2022 worth IDR 271 trillion.

Febrie said the trial of the Timah corruption case would later be confirmed to reveal information about the flow of funds received by the suspects. In addition, the testimony will also guide the search for the flow of funds that have entered a number of other names.

"Yes, including the witnesses who have been examined by investigators. The prosecutor is committed to ensuring that all corruption money can be found and returned to the state," he said.

Based on VOI's search, starting with Harvei Moeis and his wife, artist Sandra Dewi. It is known that Sandra Dewi Gold is a business owned by Sandra Dewi who sells various types of jewelry and watches. The shop is known to already have a lot of enthusiasts, as evidenced by the number of followers on her Instagram account @/sandradewigold_id.

Sandra Dewi Gold is an Indonesian celebrity jewelry business under the auspices of PT Sentral Kreasi Kencana Jl. Suci No. 8, Ciracas, East Jakarta 13750, Indonesia. The owners of SKK are known to be famous gold and gem entrepreneurs such as Lo Stefanus and Lo Herry although in the company the largest shares are PT Central Mega Kencana as many as 221,537 shares or worth Rp 22,153,700,000.

There is the name Lo Stefanus alias Stefanus Lo alias Stephanus Lo. In Linkdn's account, it is recorded that he has a profession as a Managing Director at PT Central Mega Kencana since 1995. Based on Forbes and Globe Asia, there have been three young entrepreneurs as the brightest businessmen in 2017 and 2018. The three are Nadiem Makarim, Lo Stefanus and Hengky Setiawan.

Lo Stefanus And Herviano Widyatama's Relationship

Mochamad Herviano Widyatama, an Indonesian politician who served as a member of the DPR-RI for the 2019-2024 period. He represented the constituency of Central Java I. Herviano is a cadre of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), he served in Commission V of the DPR RI. The man who was born December 30, 1986, is the son of the Head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) Budi Gunawan.

The man who is usually called Vino is noted to have been in the tin mining business in Pangkalpinang. Herviano disbursed capital in two stages with a total value of IDR 10 billion to PT Sumber Jaya Indah, a tin mining and processing company in Pangkalpinang, Bangka Belitung.

Meanwhile, according to a source met in Pangkalpinang, PT Sumber Jaya Indah is registered at a notary office in Pangkalpinang as a mining company with an initial capital of IDR 1.5 billion. The company is located at Jalan TPI Ketapang, Pangkalbalam, Pangkalpinang City, Bangka Belitung. PT Sumber Jaya Indah is said to have received two injections of funds from PT Mitra Abadi Berkahindo.

PT Mitra Abadi Berkaindo was founded on May 4, 2007. Herviano is in partnership with three other investors. One of them is with Lo Stefanus, the founder of the diamond and gem shop network Frank & Co, who is also the owner of PT Mondial Investama Indonesia and PT Mondial Lux Indonesia. At PT Mitra Abadi, Lo Stefanus owns 40 percent of the shares, while Herviano owns 20 percent.

The examination document also stated that the Rp 10 billion fund deposited by Herviano to PT Sumber Jaya Indah was part of a loan of Rp 57 billion, which Herviano obtained from PT Pacific Blue International Limited when he was 19 years old.

When questioned by the Criminal Investigation Team on June 7, 2010, Stefanus admitted that Herviano's investment in PT Mitra Abadi came from a Pacific Blue credit. During the same investigation, Yuliana, PT Sumber Jaya's financial staff, also said that she had received a capital deposit from Herviano. "Our company has indeed collaborated with PT Mitra Abadi," Yuliana explained in the document as quoted by Tempo.

Stefanus has not been confirmed regarding Herviano's funds to PT Mitra Abadi. Calls and short messages sent to his cell phone did not return. He also found it difficult to find at his office on Jalan MH Thamrin, Central Jakarta.

"He (Stefanus) rarely goes to the office. Once a month not necessarily," said an employee at PT Central Mega Kencana, Frank & Co's parent company.

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