JAKARTA - Democratic Party attorney Denny Indrayana denied intimidating one of the witnesses to the party, Sulaiman, to attend the 2024 Legislative Election PHPU trial at the Constitutional Court (MK). The rebuttal was in response to a protest that Sulaiman was picked up under coercion from his hometown to Jakarta. “ Who detained them, who intimidated us? It's funny too. Because they are our witnesses who can prove the alleged manipulation and falsification of documents, they deliberately hide their departure, ” Denny said when met at the Constitutional Court Building, Jakarta, Antara, Wednesday, May 29. For information, on Wednesday afternoon, several people who claimed/claimed to be members of the Sulaiman family, went berserk in the area of Building 1 of the Constitutional Court. They also insisted on meeting Sulaiman who came in all black and closed clothes and was escorted by a member of the Democratic attorney. One of the men named Eko who claimed to be a relative of Sulaiman said that the witness was forcibly picked up from his house. “(Sulaiman) was picked up under pressure and coercion. He was taken without any news, his cellphone was turned off, and that brought no responsibility,” he said. Sulaiman, who is a member of PPS Tanipah Village, Alo-Alo District, Banjar, South Kalimantan, is a witness to the Democratic Party for case number 196-01-14-22/PHPU.DPR-DPRD-XXII/2024 to fill the membership of the DPR RI for the South Kalimantan I electoral district. During the trial, he testified that he had inflated votes for the National Mandate Party (PAN) at the electoral district in exchange for wages. Regarding the protest about Sulaiman being unreachable, Denny explained that it was part of the witness' safety standards. “ That's part of the team's efforts to make security efforts to get to the trial process. After this, it will probably be looser to communicate, ” he said. According to him, what Sulaiman did was part of the whistle blower and justice collaborator in a case, so his whereabouts must be protected. “He is a witness to the perpetrator, but to benefit us in uncovering fraud. They should be protected, ” he said. Considering that Sulaiman's actions were an act of election violation, he emphasized that his party would continue to provide legal assistance if Sulaiman was reported to law enforcement officials.
This “Witness is detrimental to the incumbent person. If for example later the person reports this witness, we will assist the advocacy section. The risk he faces should not be faced alone. We will help that, ” he concluded.

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