JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) officially fought the intermediate decision of the Jakarta Corruption Court Panel of Judges which resulted in Supreme Court Justice Gazalba Saleh escaping from the money laundering charges. Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri said the resistance or verzet was filed today, Wednesday, May 29. The institution has signed a deed of request for resistance. " “ The signing of the letter of request for resistance is carried out through the Panmud Corruption at the Central Jakarta District Court (PN),” Ali said in a written statement, Wednesday, May 29. Ali said that legal arguments against the interlocutory decision would be drawn up. The Public Prosecutor (JPU) at the KPK will send it immediately to the Jakarta High Court through the Central Jakarta District Court along. "The legal regulation for this effort will soon be prepared and prepared by a team of prosecutors in their memory and sent to the Jakarta High Court through the Central Jakarta District Court," he said. As previously reported, the Jakarta Corruption Court ordered the KPK to release Supreme Court Justice Gazalba Saleh in a trial held today, Monday, May 27. This order came after the exception submitted was granted. " “ Tried, one, granted a note of objection from the legal advisor team of the defendant Gazalba Saleh, ” said the Panel of Judges Fahzal Hendri. This exception was granted because the judge assessed that the prosecutor at the KPK had not received an appointment from the Attorney General. Thus, the indictment submitted cannot be accepted. This decision then caused a strong reaction from the Deputy Chairperson of the KPK Alexander Marwata. He even asked the Supreme Court Supervisory Body (Bawas MA) and the Judicial Commission (KY) to examine the panel of judges at the Central Jakarta Corruption Court who tried the case.
The request was made by Alexander because he felt odd and the Jakarta Corruption Court Judge said he did not understand the KPK Law. According to him, the Director of Prosecution and the KPK Prosecutor did not need a letter from the Attorney General to carry out his duties.

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