JAKARTA - The murder case by the suspect Panca Darmansyah against his four children will be tried at the South Jakarta District Court, today, Wednesday, May 29, at 11.00 WIB.

"That today, Wednesday, May 29, 2024, there is the first trial for the defendant of the murder of four children in Jagakarsa on behalf of the defendant Panca Darmansyah," said South Jakarta District Court Public Relations Officer, Djuyamto when confirmed, Wednesday, May 29.

Djuyamto also said that the trial was planned to be held in the main room of the South Jakarta District Court at 11.00 WIB. Later the presiding judge Sulistyo Muhammad Dwi Putro, his members namely Kairul Soleh and Radityo Baskoro.

He said that the panel of judges who tried Panca would be led directly by Sulistyo Muhammad Dwi Putro, his members namely Kairul Soleh and Radityo Baskoro.

Hakim Ketua Sulistyo Muhamad Dwi Putra, Hakim Anggota 1: Kairul Soleh dan Hakim Anggota 2: Radityo Baskoro," ujarnya.

Panca became a suspect for his actions. He killed four of his biological children in rotation at the house he contracted in Jagakarsa, South Jakarta.

According to police information, Panca's motive for killing his four biological children was because he was jealous of his wife.

Panca killed his 4 children by being smothered until he finally died.

Panca also recorded his heinous act after showing that the four victims had died.

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