JAKARTA - The chairman of the Gerindra Party DPD, Sudaryono, visited a number of places in Kudus Regency, Central Java. One of them is blusukan to Brayung Market which is located in Mejobo District.

It turned out that, apart from being accompanied by Gerindra Kudus cadres, PDI-P politicians were also present, Masan joined the group while eating together at the stall.

Masan even looks familiar and takes advantage of the opportunity to chat with Sudaryono, who is predicted to run in the upcoming 2024 Central Java governor election.

According to Sudaryono, Masan's sudden presence at the series of events in Kudus is good communication between political parties. Moreover, Masan, who now serves as Chairman of the PDIP Kudus DPC, is an old friend.

"He (Masan) is my friend, we have known him well from the beginning," said Sudaryono at Brayung Market.

The two of them did look familiar in the chat. Even Masan seemed to adjust his style of clothing to his friend. Namely wearing a white shirt that was identical to the Sudaryono group who was active in Central Java.

"It's different parties, it doesn't mean we are enemies, he is also a good person," added

Masan's name is currently included in the candidate exchange for the Kudus Regent for the period 2024-2029. In response to this, especially since he already knows the figure of Masan, Sudaryono admits that he will consider supporting him.

"I think one alternative might also be considered," said the man who is familiarly called Mas Dar.

Prior to the visit to Brayung Market, Sudaryono and his entourage also started their activities by staying in touch with each other

The caretaker of the Yanbu'ul Qur'an Kudus Islamic Boarding School, KH Ulil Albab Arwani or known as Gus Bab.

The charismatic cleric son KH Arwani also gave advice to Sudaryono to confirm his intention to run as Governor of Central Java in 2024.

Gus Bab advised Sudaryono to straighten out his intention to become Governor of Central Java as part of his struggle in upholding Islam which is rahmatan lil'alamin and maintain the integrity and unity of the Indonesian nation and state.

"We have to try and first the intention is a struggle for religion and for the country. What we hope can continue to unite so that our country can be safe and there will be no divisions," Gus Bab told Sudaryono.

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