Chairman of the NasDem Party Leadership Council (DPP) Willy Aditya opened his voice about the opportunity for his party to carry Khofifah Indar Parawansa and Emil Dardak in the 2024 East Java gubernatorial election. Willy emphasized that the DPP is still waiting for the results of the plenary meeting of the East Java provincial level to issue recommendations for the nomination of governors and deputy governors. What is clear is that NasDem has a good relationship with Khofifah. "We'll see the situation. But the communication relationship with Khofifah is good. Khofifah is the first to carry NasDem. Of course we'll see how the reports come from friends from East Java in particular," said Willy at NasDem Tower, Tuesday, May 28. However, the Secretary of the NasDem Election Winning Body (Bappilu) also opened the opportunity to form a coalition with other political parties that carry Khofifah's potential competitors. One of them is the National Awakening Party (PKB) together with the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) which is discussed to carry the former Chairman of the East Java Nahdlatul Ulama (PWNU) Regional Management, Marzuki Mustamar. "Yes, it's just dynamic. We'll see what the dynamics look like. Yes, in competition, more and more candidates will emerge, of course it will benefit the people more. We can choose a lot," he said.
It is known that the incumbent pair Khofifah-Emil has obtained the blessing of the four political parties of the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM), namely Golkar, Gerindra, Democrats and PAN. Some time ago, the East Java United Development Party (PPP) DPW also submitted a letter of recommendation to the Khofifah Indar Parawansa-Emil Elestianto Dardak pair to run in the 2024 Pilkada. However, the DPP has not decided whether to carry it or not.

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