Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Hadi Tjahjanto said the issue of news confusion regarding the problems that occurred between the National Police and the Attorney General's Office was being investigated.
Hadi ensured that the two institutions continued to carry out their respective duties and functions.
"With the issue that was conveyed, we are currently continuing to investigate what really happened," Hadi said after attending the National Police's Criminal Investigation Unit in Jakarta, reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 28.
Hadi said that currently the two leaders of law enforcement institutions take care of each other's muruwah by strengthening each other.
"And the two leaders who continue to maintain their respective muruwah and continue to strengthen each other to fill each other in between the two institutions because their job is a criminal justice system that must be maintained," said Hadi.
The former TNI commander also ensured that the two law enforcement agencies were still carrying out their respective functions and the situation was under control.
"That the two institutional leaders are still carrying out their respective functions and the situation is also safely under communication as well," he said.
This refers to the hand position shown by the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo and Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin at the Merdeka Palace, Monday (27/5).
Hadi said that he had specifically spoken to the National Police Chief and the Attorney General.
"I have also spoken with these two leaders and (asked) to remain focused on carrying out tasks according to their respective duties and also yesterday, look at the SPBE electronic-based government system event led by the President at the palace, I see that both of them seem to be holding the President, but I don't know from afar," he said.
Hadi emphasized that deepening is needed so that the muruwah of the two institutions is maintained in solving criminal problems.
"So we continue to deepen this because this muruwah is very necessary to solve criminal problems," said Hadi.
Hadi also hopes that the deepening of the problems carried out between the Police and the Attorney General's Office can be resolved.
"Hopefully in the future everything will have to go well. We'll see the results of the deepening and I'm sure I'll see the Chief of Police, the Attorney General will also come here and there with me too," he said.
"I think these problems can be resolved, but currently they are still under investigation," said Hadi.
The news that Jampidsus was observed by a number of members of the Special Detachment for Anti-Terror Police (Densus 88) at a restaurant in South Jakarta, last Friday (24/5) was in the public spotlight. However, to this day, the National Police Chief and the Attorney General have not yet opened their voices to explain the incident.
However, both of them were seen at the State Palace attending the launch of Government Technology or 'GovTech' at the Summit 2024 Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE) event.
The Attorney General and the National Police Chief actually looked familiar when shaking hands, and took a group photo while attending the event at the State Palace on Monday morning.
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