YOGYAKARTA The Traffic Corps (Korlantas) of the National Police Headquarters on Monday, May 27, 2024, launched a C1 class driver's license (SIM) specifically for 250-500 cc motorcycle riders. This SIM is at the level above the usual SIM C which is categorized as a maximum of 250 cc for motorcycles. So, what is the difference between SIM C and C1?

Please note, the change in SIM C group which was divided into three, namely SIM C, SIM C1, and SIM C2 has existed since the National Police Chief Listyo Sigit Prabowo signed the regulation of Police Regulation Number 5 of 2021 concerning the Issuance and Signing of SIM. This regulation is valid since February 19, 2021.

The Head of the Traffic Police Corps, Inspector General of Police Aan Suhanan, said that the launch of the C1 Driving Permit (SIM) was to improve the competence of motorcyclists with a larger engine capacity.

"This driving competition is very important, if I liken this highway to the jungle forest, there are cobras, there are pythons, there are wild animals, there areferoes, which will prey on us at any time," he said, quoted from Antara, Monday, May 27, 2024.

Aan also explained that actually the ownership of this SIM C1 has been in the regulations since 2021, but it was only realized this year.

"Because we really want to make sure that we can implement the system and so on later after the launch. At the same time, we also want to ensure that there is a difference between SIM C competence and SIM C1," he said.

Regarding this group change, the Director of Registration and Identification (Dirregident) of Korlantas Polri, Brigadier General Pol Yusri Yunus explained the difference between SIM C and C1.

Brigadier General Yusri said that one of these differences was related to the capacity of the motorcycle engine which was curated by the cubic (cc) centimeter.

"SIM C is the same as 0-240 cc. (SIM) C1 from 250 to 500 cc," said Yusri.

The next difference between SIM C and C1 can be seen in terms of requirements. Yusri said that drivers who want to have a SIM C are required to have a SIM C which is valid for at least one year.

Furthermore, the practice test track to get a SIM C1 is longer than a regular SIM C.

"The SIM C1 track is up to 2.5 meters long, or in the difference of 1.4 meters with an ordinary SIM C. However, the theoretical tests are all the same," explained Yusri.

That's the information about different SIM C and C1. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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