JAKARTA - Secretary of the PDIP faction of the DPR, Bambang Wuryanto or Bambang Pacul, responded to criticism submitted by the General Chairperson (Ketum) of the PDIP Megawati Soekarnoputri regarding the revision of the Law (UU) of the Constitutional Court (MK).

Bambang stated that the PDIP faction would consider submitting a minderheit note or an objection note if the ratification of the Constitutional Court Bill was scheduled for a plenary session of the DPR.

"Of course we are inferiorheit nota," said Pacul, Monday, May 27.

When asked about the PDIP's rejection, it would be the attitude of Menkumham Yasonna H Laoly, Bambang emphasized that the attitude of the factions and cabinet ministers was different. Because according to him, the executive domain has its own bureaucracy.

He also believes that Yasonna will still be upright with the orders of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

"Of course, if the executive is upright with the president. So it is different, it must be distinguished," he said.

Previously, the Chairperson of the PDIP, Megawati Soekarnoputri, mentioned the revision of the Constitutional Court Law and the Broadcasting Law carried out by the DPR.

Megawati assessed that the revision procedure of the Constitutional Court Law was not correct because it seemed sudden. As for the revision of the Broadcasting Law, he considered that it violated the essence of investigative journalism products.

"Well imagine, use the revision of the Constitutional Court Law, which I think the procedure is not true. Suddenly, (when) the recess period," Megawati said in a political speech at the V PDIP National Working Meeting (Rakernas) in the Ancol area, North Jakarta on Friday, May 24.

Responding to Megawati's statement, the Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, said that the revision of the two laws was known to her. Even so, according to her, the process of guarding each other and coordination continues.

"So these things have indeed been discussed through the factions in the DPR. It is one of the tasks of escorting each other, coordinating and discussing together at the DPR," said Puan at the Beach City International Stadium, Ancol, North Jakarta on Saturday, May 25.

Puan also emphasized that the PDIP faction of the DPR will oversee the discussion of the revision of the two laws.

"Yes, we will participate in guarding and discussing this," said the chairman of the PDIP DPP.

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