JAKARTA - Equnix Business Solutions officially launched the ESE 11DB/PostgresTM feature in Jakarta, Wednesday 22 May. This launch indicates that Equnix is very serious in developing its research to provide solutions for corporations in data security. This latest feature is one of the fulfillment of the dominant need for the Personal Data Protection Law (PDP) regulation.

Data leaks are serious threats that can harm our individuals, companies and our country. In the digital era, data leaks can mean that our country's defense system is weak, so currently all companies in Indonesia also have a role in improving national defense by not causing data leakage.

Incidents of data leakage that are increasingly occurring show the need for more effective and maximum preventive measures, one of which is the application of the Personal Data Protection Law (UU PDP). Companies or institutions are required to comply with these regulations in order to avoid sanctions and maintain reputation.

The Association of Indonesian Internet Service Providers (APJII) said, in July 2023 there were several allegations of leakage of personal data from private entities, including data from 34 million Indonesians related to passports. In the same year, there was an alleged leak of 337 million people's data stored in the Directorate General of Population and Civil Registration (Dukcapil) of the Ministry of Home Affairs, which was sold on the online Forums. These two issues add to the length of the list of data leak cases in Indonesia since years earlier.

To note, the PDP Law was passed on October 17, 2022, this is a manifestation of the state's commitment to maintaining the right to privacy and security of information for each individual. However, the implementation rules have not been issued so that one of the main challenges faced by Indonesia at this time is the completion of the derivative of the law.

Even though it has been ratified and should take effect immediately, the PDP Law still provides a transition period. Article 74 of the PDP Law states that companies or institutions have a transition period of two years since the PDP Law was promulgated (2022-2024), meaning that the deadline for this transition period is only 4 months away. So companies or institutions need to ensure that all personal data processing is carried out in accordance with the procedures regulated in the PDP Law.

Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi stated that currently many consumers want transparency in the policy of using personal data from service providers. The government seeks to involve all parties to formulate derivative regulations for the PDP Law so that it can provide optimal benefits.

"The ratification of the PDP Law which will be carried out in 2022 provides Indonesia with various opportunities. It is a good opportunity to better protect the fundamental rights of the Indonesian people, to facilitate business activities and innovation more wisely," he said, quoted on Sunday, May 26.

Citing data from the International Association of Privacy Professional in 2023, Budi stated that 68 percent of global consumers are worried about their data protection. In fact, 85 percent of consumers want transparency in the policy of using consumer personal data from service providers.

"This certainly shows that consumers as subjects of personal data are increasingly aware of the importance of protecting personal privacy and data. This condition can be understood given the high amount of data leaks that occur, as well as the high cost of handling it," he explained.

In line with Budi Arie, legal expert and lawyer Agus Djunarjanto, who is also active in the PDP Watch Indonesia organization, said that security data is part of personal data, and personal data has its owner, therefore it must be protected by law.

"Therefore, the PDP Law is very important," said Agus Djunarjanto, when giving a socialization entitled Aspects of Personal Data Protection Law at the launch of the ESE 11DB/PostgresTM Feature.

"The phenomenon of data leakage is increasingly occurring along with the increasing use of technology and the internet in various aspects of life. There are challenges that are so complex in managing data," said CEO of PT Equnix Business Solutions Julyanto Sutang, at the launch of the ESE 11DB/PostgresTM Feature in Jakarta.

Julyanto said, there are at least five causes of data leakage: Internal fraud, Low IT security awareness, Illegal access, Malware (virus, trojan, ransomware), and confidentiality agreement violations.

The Importance Of Data Protection

The importance of data security technology is no longer worth debate. In fact, if you look at the rise of data leakage cases, this issue is no longer important, but it is very urgent.

"The technology of data protection is very important because a business needs to secure transactions, there are many parties involved in data management, then at the same time they must comply with binding rules, one of which is the PDP Law," said Julyanto.

"There are many standardizations issued by regulators. We are heading towards information technology conditions that are increasingly included in everyday life, affecting almost every aspect of our lives. Security and privacy are increasingly becoming a major issue," Julyanto reminded.

The ESE 11DB/PostgresTM feature provides powerful data security protection for institutions or corporations that handle sensitive data including personal and corporate data. The ESE 11DB/PostgresTM feature has five main functions, namely: (a) Seamless data protection requires no additional function on the application, (b) Supported by Quantum-proof AES-256 encryption, (c) World standard key management with HSM, (d) Search for fastest encrypted data with patented indexing, (e) The most efficient Encryption uses hardware acceleration.

This function includes data protection during At-rest, and part of In-use. Julyanto explained, while security on In-transit data is easily achieved using the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) with PKI authentication (Public Key Infrastructure) which is already very common.

Meanwhile, 11DB/Postgres apply AES-256 encryption to At-rest data security seamlessly not to bother the application in its operations, and keep the key with the security of world-class key management using HSM, TPM and Online HSM.

"Regulating the implementation of business operations will be difficult without qualified technology support. Comprehensive and layered security is a powerful move to face the threat of data leakage. This is a step to ensure the compliance of a corporation to the PDP Law," concluded Julyanto.

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