JAKARTA - Researcher from the Institute for Security and Strategic Studies (ISESS), Bambang Rukminto, questioned the involvement of the TNI Military Police Center (Puspom) regarding security at the Attorney General's Office (AGO). This is because there are no strict rules regarding this matter. "In terms of legislation, there are no rules for securing government buildings by the TNI," Bambang told reporters, Sunday, May 26. Bambang said, so far the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 63 of 2004 concerning Security of National Vital Objects (Obvitnas) which may be the basis for the deployment of TNI members to secure the AGO. However, according to him, the context of the AGO, including Obvitnas or not, cannot be ascertained. "It's just that whether the prosecutor's building or other government buildings are also obvitnas or not that's what you have to look at," he said. “Kriteria obvitnas sendiri adalah merupakan kawasan, bangunan, atau usaha yang menyangkut kehidupan orang banyak, kepentingan negara, dan sumber pendapatan negara yang bersifat strategis,” kata Bambang menambahkan. Bambang also encouraged the discussion of the law that regulates security by not members of the National Police and the TNI. This needs to be done because so far there are no rules related to this matter. "In order not to overlap between the duties of the police and the duties of the TNI," he said. For information, the Instagram social media account @Puspomtni uploaded a photo guard document at the Indonesian Attorney General's Office, South Jakarta. In fact, in his statement, he explained that the activity was in the aftermath of allegations of stalking Jampidsus by members of Densus 88. “ The Attorney General's Office of the Republic of Indonesia has experienced increased supervision after the alleged stalking of Jampidsus by members of Densus 88,” he wrote as seen on Sunday, May 26 morning.
However, currently, the photo upload has been deleted in line with the statement by the Head of the Indonesian Armed Forces Information Center (Kapuspen) Major General Nugraha Gumilar.

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