West Java Regional Police's Dirkrimum Kombes Surawan revealed the difficulty of arresting Pegi Setiawan alias Perong, a fugitive in the murder and rape cases of Vina and Rizky alias Eki in Cirebon, West Java.
This case occurred in 2016 or eight years ago involving 11 perpetrators. Eight have been arrested and served a verdict, while the remaining three, including Pegi, are designated as fugitives.
Surawan said that none of the witnesses at the location provided information on the whereabouts of Pegi. The person concerned also changed his name to Robi Iriawan.
After committing a crime, Pegi alias Perong went to a boarding house in the Ketapang area, Bandung Regency, West Java. At that time he claimed to be the nephew of his own father.
“PS did not introduce himself as the biological child of his father. there he claimed to be his nephew as well as his father introduced the owner of the boarding house that PS was his nephew, ” Surawan told reporters at the West Java Police, Sunday, May 26.
This is corroborated by the boarding house owner's statement that we have asked for information. Likewise, the name has been changed not according to PS but using the name Robi,” he continued.
Furthermore, school friends or friends play Pegi, nor do anyone dare to provide information about the perpetrators. Even though they are in the same neighborhood as Pegi.
"Jadi kenapa kesulitan kita sejauh ini seperti itu, karena memang saksi yang berani menjelaskan itu belum ada,"” ujarnya.
Therefore, the police tried to ask for information from the suspects who had been detained. Finally, it was revealed that Pegi, who had been wanted, turned out to change his name to Robi Iriawan.
"Jadi awalnya ketakutan dari mereka saja tidak berini menjelaskan PS ini orangnya, sehingga itu memungkinkan kita untuk melakukan pelacauan. Akhirnya kita bicara para tersangka yang sudah tanggar dari hati mereka menerangkan bahwa PS adalah orangnya,” ucapnya.
After collecting the evidence, the police finally arrested Pegi. This eight-year fugitive was arrested in Bandung City on Tuesday, May 21.
Currently the perpetrator has been named a suspect. He was charged with being charged under Article 340 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code and Article 81 paragraph 1 of the Republic of Indonesia Law number 35 of 2014 amendments to RI Law number 23 of 2002 concerning child protection in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code with a maximum threat of the death penalty.
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