Chairman of the PDI-P (PDIP) DPP Puan Maharani only asked the public to pray for her when asked by PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri to exchange roles.
It is known that Megawati had teased her son, who is now the Speaker of the DPR when he opened the PDIP National Working Meeting on Friday, May 24. In his political speech he joked about inviting Puan to exchange roles to become chairman.
"Just pray (yesterday Megawati was teased to exchange places, ed). God willing," said Puan, smiling at reporters at the Beach City International Stadium, Ancol, North Jakarta, Saturday, May 25.
PDI-P General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri teased PDIP DPP Chair Puan Maharani to exchange roles. This moment made a scene at the PDIP National Working Meeting at Beach International Stadium, Ancol, North Jakarta, Friday, May 24.
Initially, Megawati introduced Puan, who currently serves as chairman of the DPR. He said that Puan often traveled outside the city and even abroad to attend legislative events.
"Mbak Puan, I told Mbak Puan, as chairman of the DPR, well, going abroad all the time. But that's work, you know, not being a tourist," Megawati said in front of the cadres and invited guests.
Megawati then mentioned that Puan had just attended the 2024 World Water Forum (WWF) Summit in Bali. Then, he also attended the world-class legislative event in Mexico.
Seeing this busyness, Megawati joked about inviting Puan to exchange roles. The 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia became the Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives while Puan became the General Chair of the PDIP.
"I said,'Replace me with me. I am the chairman of the DPR, you are the general chairman'," said Megawati, who made the cadres excited.
"Well, it's all right, when I was told to hang out here. Then the situation was not clear," he added with a smile.
The lady in front of Megawati was then highlighted by the camera. Seen from the screen, he then laughed at his mother's temptation.
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