JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta PDI-P Regional Leadership Council (DPD) proposed the name of the Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, to be promoted as a candidate for governor in the 2024 DKI Jakarta Pilkada.

"Yes, that's right. We propose Mr. Pras (to be promoted for the DKI Jakarta gubernatorial election)," said Secretary of the DPD PDIP Deserves Nainggolan to reporters, Friday, May 24.

This proposal, said Pantas, will be brought by the DKI Jakarta PDIP DPD to the Party Leadership Council (DPP) at the V National Working Meeting (Rakernas) which will begin today.

Pantas menilai, Prasetyo layak diusung PDIP di Pilkada tahun ini karena memiliki pengalaman mengawasi jalannya pemerintahan di Jakarta selama dua periode.

"His capacity as Chairman of the DPRD for two terms, 10 years has already been an achievement and he is our own cadre," said Pantas.

He continued, the DPD PDIP DKI also proposed members of the PDIP faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD Rasyidi in the DKI Pilkada. Rasyidi had previously taken a registration form as a candidate for deputy governor from PDIP.

Pantas mengungkapkan, usulan ini akan dipertimbangkan DPP dalam beberapa waktu mendatang. Mengingat, terdapat sejumlah kader PDIP lainnya yang juga mendaftar untuk diusung di Pilgub DKI Jakarta.

"There are quite a lot of our cadres registered, but maybe they registered through the DPP door," he explained.

On the one hand, the DKI Jakarta PDIP has also begun to establish communication with other political parties regarding the opportunity to form a coalition in carrying out cagub-cawagub.

This is because, of the 11 political parties that passed the 2024 Legislative Election in the DKI Jakarta DPRD, none of the parties with votes reached 20 percent of the seats in the DPRD or 25 percent of the votes were valid. Thus, the coalition must be established in order to meet the requirements for nomination.

"It should be remembered that none of the parties that meet the formal requirements, like it or not, communication between political parties will definitely occur," he added.

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