JAKARTA - Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Budi Arie Setiadi admitted that he had pocketed the names of internet service provider (ISP) providers who are still facilitating online gambling promotions.

Budi gave an ultimatum to these internet network providers to immediately eradicate online gambling. Otherwise, the Ministry of Communication and Information will not hesitate to revoke its business license in Indonesia.

"We already know which ISP-ISP facilitates online gambling. We'll just have to close the time. Just wait and we'll announce what PT is, who owns it," Budi Arie said in a virtual press conference, Friday, May 24.

Budi Arie emphasized that the government has asked ISP organizers to synchronize automatically in updating negative content lists including online gambling into the name system (DNS) domain TRUST + Positive Kominfo.

Unfortunately, out of a total of 1,011 companies, only 35 percent of ISP organizers have synchronized automatically.

"From the report testing in the period 2023 to 2024, it was obtained that 26 out of a total of 136 sampling can still access negative content, including online gambling content and pornography," explained Budi Arie.

"Regarding this, Kominfo has given administrative sanctions in the form of the first, the first warning letter against 26 ISPs, and a second warning letter against 31 ISPs," he added.

In addition, Budi Arie also warned digital platform managers to participate in eradicating online gambling in Indonesia.

Budi Arie gave an ultimatum to Google, Meta (Facebook and WhatsApp), X, Telegram, to TikTok to cooperate by removing online gambling promotion content on its platform. Otherwise, they will have to pay a fine in fantastic terms.

"To all digital platform managers, such as X, Telegram, Google, Meta, and TikTok. If you are not cooperative in eradicating online gambling on your platform, then I will impose a fine of up to IDR 500 million per content," he added.

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