JAKARTA - The Parung Sector Police (Polsek) in Bogor confiscated three motorbikes belonging to one of the gangster members.

The confiscation was carried out at Jalan H Mawi, Bojong Indah Village, Parung, Bogor Regency, West Java, Thursday, May 23 at around 04.00 WIB.

Initially the joint team received information about a group of teenagers wanting to do a brawl at that location.

Then, when officers arrived at the location, the teenagers who were members of the gangster tried to escape on their respective motorbikes. However, some of them left their motorbikes when they fell.

"The motorbikes that were successfully secured included one black Honda Beat unit with police number B 6352 ZUD, one white Yamaha Mio unit with police number B 6190 WYZ, and one Honda Vario unit with police number F 6471 IE," said Doddy Parung Police Chief AKP Doddy Rosadji in Bogor, Thursday, May 23.

After the gangster members fled, the police officers then secured their motorbikes to the Parung Police Headquarters for further investigation, including asking witnesses at the location.

"The steps taken include checking the TKP (scene of the case), securing evidence, documentation, interviewing witnesses, and reporting to the leadership," he said.

According to him, the Parung Police continue to strive to maintain security and order by increasing patrols and preventive measures against potential crimes and keeping the area conducive.

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