Deputy Chairperson of the MPR Ahmad Muzani emphasized that Indonesia will become a strong and world- respected nation if its leaders unite and rule out their personal egos. According to Muzani, unity and integrity have been proven historically to make Indonesia survive and stand tall until now.

This was conveyed by Muzani when he was the keynote speaker at the national revival seminar with the theme 'The Role and Contribution of Muslims in the Indonesian National Transformation Program, President Elect Prabowo Subianto' in Bandung, West Java, Tuesday, May 21.

"Two main tasks of the rulers. Maintaining a sense of security and feeding and providing jobs for the people. Indonesia is a very plural country. Diversity in Bhineka Tunggal Ika and Pancasila is the basis for our state. That is why unity and integrity are the main requirements and keys to the development of a more advanced and prosperous Indonesia," said Muzani.

According to Muzani, from the era of independence to the Old Order and the New Order, Indonesian leaders have a very strong spirit of unity and integrity. This is evident from the many attempts to thwart Indonesia from becoming an independent and independent country.

"We will see how the military aggression was carried out by the Dutch and Britain in November after Indonesia proclaimed its independence on August 17, 1945. These thwarting efforts continue to occur until the end of the Old Order and the start of the New Order until the era of Indonesian reform remains united as a nation," explained Muzani.

According to Muzani, it is very well realized by the elected president Prabowo Subianto that this country will unite if its leaders unite.

"To unite in harmony, to sit together is not an easy thing. There must be personal feelings that are sacrificed, there must be offenses that are sacrificed, personal agendas that are sacrificed, sometimes even have to sacrifice self-esteem, that way we can unite," said the Secretary General of Gerindra.

Prabowo, said Muzani, has set an example of how to ignore personal interests and egos so that he can unite with other leaders and political elites for the sake of an advanced Indonesia. This was done by Prabowo when he decided to join President Joko Widodo's government after the 2019 presidential election.

"To unite, Pak Prabowo must receive ridicule, insults, and misunderstandings from the people who support him. Therefore, uniting is an absolute requirement for this country to become a big and developed country. With unity and integrity, Indonesia is strong and respected by the world. This awareness is always expressed repeatedly by the elected president Prabowo Subianto. That is why the challenges ahead will be even more difficult," said Muzani.

Furthermore, Muzani said the world is currently facing an uncertain atmosphere. He said no one had ever predicted an open war between Ukraine and Russia. The world also did not expect that the Palestinian and Israeli conflicts would be stronger and had a negative impact on the lives of Palestinians.

Therefore, he said, the only way to strengthen Indonesia's position in the eyes of the world is to strengthen the sense of nationalism unity and integrity and ignore pragmatism.

"This illustrates that the spirit of human ambition remains the same, namely wanting to control the region of a country that is weak. We will only be respected by other countries if we are strong, strong in the economy, strong in defense and strong in politics. To realize that the challenge is pragmatism. That is the understanding that is currently hitting our children. Many of them just want to quickly enjoy the results, but do not want to go through a long process," concluded Muzani.

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