JAKARTA - A pedophile who wants to rape a underage girl pushes a 10-year-old boy from a cliff when his depraved act tries to be prevented.

Citing Metro, the pedophile named Anthony Stocks (54) was caught trying to force his 13-year-old victim to be prevented by the victim's brother.

The panicked perpetrator pushed the boy off a cliff in Brighton, England. The cliff has a height of 30 feet or about 30 meters.

This effort was revealed by the prosecutor in the trial of this case with the defendant Anthony at the Oxford Crown Court, Tuesday, May 21.

Prosecutors said Anthony brought his female victim from London without his mother's knowledge in September 2022.

It was also revealed that the witnesses heard screams from a distance after seeing a small object falling onto a concrete road.

The driven victims survived after being flown to a hospital in London to undergo intensive care due to serious injuries.

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