JAKARTA - Police are hunting for figures S in the case of illegal drug factories of PCC (Paracetamol, Cafine and Carisoprodol) and Hexymer in Citeureup, Bogor. The fugitive is the controller of circulation.

"I said that there has been 1 DPO with the initials S, we will chase until we find an ant hole," said Director of Drug Investigation at Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Hengki to reporters, Tuesday, May 21.

Based on the investigation, the figure of S is the controller of the circulation of PCC and Hexymer. He gave orders to HM, the suspect who had been arrested previously.

Although S is only referred to as a controller, it is possible that he is also the owner of the illegal drug factory. Police are still investigating this matter

"The role of S is that always orders the suspects that we have secured (HM) to deliver and send evidence (PCC-Hexymer) that has been secured from the suspect," said Hengki.

In the disclosure of the drug factory, the police confiscated many PCC and Hexymer drugs. The amount is more than 2 million pills.

"The total PCC that we can secure like this is a total of 1,215,000 tablets with a gross weight of 692,550 grams," he said.

"Secondly, the total yellow tablets are called hexymer, the total amount is evidence of a hexymer of 1,024,000 tablets," continued Hengki.

In addition, from the results of the deepening, it is estimated that the factory can produce tens of thousands per day.

The estimated production of the factory refers to the confiscation results. Two large printed tools were found to be used to create PCC and Hexymer.

"This can be tens of thousands every day. So if one day the indication is that it can print ten thousand or tens of thousands," said Hengki.

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