JAKARTA - Insecurity is now a big scourge for many people. Feelings of doubt, anxiety, worry, and lack of confidence are very difficult to get rid of. Many think that they need recognition from other people to get out of security.
For example, sometimes we feel insecure whether it's too high or short, too old or too young, hair is too windy or straight, and so on, always thinking about what other people say that makes us raise applause, medals or awards for breaking the sense of insecurity and getting recognition, such as expecting likes in social media, praise from others and so on.
Whereas in life control is in our hands to be winners. Facing this, PT Sasa Inti (SASA) as a pioneer company, the phenomenon of kitchen spices in Indonesia is never tired of innovating.
This year SASA has again issued a new campaign breakthrough by launching a new television advertisement titled "We are MSG, Micin Self-Approved Generation - Be You Be Confident". Packed with interesting visuals, this 1-minute video shows various young people who have different backgrounds and problems such as security.
Focusing on #BeYouBeConfident, TVC emphasizes that self-recognition can increase self-confidence in young people. No need to be busy looking for validation and recognition from others, this generation of fighters is actually a great figure.
So, just prove your best ability, then other people will recognize your capacity by itself.
"It's time to accept ourselves as we are. It doesn't need to be insecure and seek someone else's approval, don't let the sense of insecurity affect you. Be you be confident!" said Albert Dinata, Marketing Director, Consumer Acquisition & Retention at PT. Sasa Inti, in his statement, Tuesday, May 21.
As is well known now, many are insecure or insecure about their achievements or achievements. Not a few also compare their physical changes to others, thus having a negative impact on their mental health and self-confidence.
With only other people's confessions, self-existence can be obtained. Whereas without recognition from other people and any standard benchmark, anyone can freely do what they want.
These two things are the reason SASA supports young people to remain confident #BeYouBeConfident. Without having to seek self-recognition, anyone can still shine to achieve their dreams.
Through the launch of TVC on YouTube, anyone can introduce their identity by showing authenticity and courage to be themselves. About lifestyle, you are the holder.
There is no need to be insecure anymore to enjoy life, including eating food with an important MSG in accordance with the recommendations. Don't hesitate and be insecure for MSG consumption, because MSG is made of selected sugar cane drops that are safe to consume.
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