JAKARTA - Former Secretary of the Supreme Court Nurhadi and his son-in-law, Rezky Herbiyono, were sentenced to 6 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 500 million, a subsidiary of 3 months.

Nurhadi stated that he was proven to have received bribes amounting to Rp35,726 billion and gratuities from a number of parties amounting to Rp. 13,787 billion.

"On trial, the defendant stated that Defendant I Nurhadi and Defendant II Rezky Herbiyono were legally and convincingly proven guilty of committing a criminal act of corruption jointly, repeatedly, and continuously," said head of the panel of judges Saifuddin Zuhri at the Corruption Crime Court. (Tipikor) Jakarta quoted by Antara, Wednesday, March 10.

The verdict was lower than the demands of the KPK public prosecutor (JPU) who asked Nurhadi to be sentenced to 12 years in prison plus a fine of Rp1 billion, a subsidiary of 6 months in prison, while his son-in-law, Rezky Herbiyono, was charged with 11 years in prison plus a fine of Rp1 billion, a subsidiary of 6 months in prison.

Nurhadi and Rezky are also not required to pay a replacement fee of Rp. 83.013 billion, a subsidiary of 2 years in prison as demanded by the prosecutor.

"The money received by Defendant II was personal money which was not state money, so the panel concluded that there was no loss to the state so that the panel of judges was of the opinion that the defendants were not subject to additional sentences as demanded by the public prosecutor," said member of the panel of judges Sukartono.

The verdict is based on the first indictment of the second alternative and the second indictment, namely Article 11 and Article 12 B of Law Number 31 Year 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption Crimes as amended by Law No. 20/2001 in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code jo. Article 64 Paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code.

"The things that incriminate the defendants did not admit the act frankly, the actions of the defendants did not support the spirit of the government in eradicating corruption, the defendants' actions damaged the good name of the Indonesian Supreme Court and the judiciary under it," said judge Sukartono.

The panel of judges consisting of Saifuddin Zuhri, Duta Baskara, and Sukartono also considered a number of mitigating things.

"The defendants have never been convicted, the defendants have family dependents, Defendant 1 Nurhadi contributed to the progress of the Supreme Court," said judge Sukartono.

In the first indictment, the panel of judges assessed that Nurhadi and Rezky were only proven to have accepted a bribe worth Rp35,726 billion from Hiendra Soenjoto in connection with the two lawsuits.

The bribe money was different from the demands of the KPK prosecutor who stated that the two of them accepted a bribe of Rp45,726 billion from Hiendra Soenjoto.

The bribe was given in connection with PT MIT's lawsuit against PT Kawasan Berikat Nusantara (KBN) regarding the lease agreement for PT KBN's container depot in Marunda, Cilincing, North Jakarta. The second lawsuit is Hiendra Soenjto's lawsuit against Azhar Umar.

For the management of these two cases, Nurhadi and Rezky received money from Hiendra through a number of accounts in the period July 2, 2015 - February 5, 2016, but Rezky returned Rp. 10 billion.

"Because the PK legal action filed by PT MIT was rejected by the Supreme Court in accordance with the PK decision on June 18, 2015, Hiendra Soenjoto asked Defendant II to send a summons so that the money was returned. However, because the money received by Defendant II had been used, it was replaced with a certificate of oil palm plantation in Padang Lawas North Sumatra totaling 11 certificates in the first phase, "said member of the panel of judges Duta Baskara.

According to the judge, Hiendra Soenjoto then pledged the certificate for Rp10 billion.

"That the bribes from Hiendra Soenjoto amounting to Rp35,726 billion, Defendant II has declared the status of his father-in-law, namely Defendant I Nurhadi as the Secretary of the Supreme Court and Defendant II's use of office, Defendant II told Iwan Cendekia Liman that PT MIT is being handled by Defendant I. and certainly safe, "added judge Duta.

In the second indictment, Nurhadi together with Rezky were also considered proven to have received gratuities of Rp. 13,787 billion.

The proven gratuity was different from the demands of the KPK prosecutor who stated that the two received Rp37.287 billion.

According to the judge, Nurhadi and Rezky were proven to have received gratuities from four parties, namely first, Handoko Sutjitro in 2014 through Rezky Herbiyono's account on October 20, 2014 amounting to IDR 600 million and Soepriyo Waskito Adi's account on October 23, 2014 amounting to IDR 600 million and on 3 November 2014 amounted to IDR 1.2 billion, bringing the total to IDR 2.4 billion.

Handoko gave the money for the handling of case No. 264 / Pdt.P / 2015 / PN SBY and the case was won by Handoko.

Second, the receipts from Renny Susetyo Wardhani in 2015 which were given through an account in the name of Rezky Herbiyono on 13 May 2015 amounting to IDR 500 million, 11 August 2015 IDR 700 million, 5 June 2015 IDR 1 billion, and 10 July 2015 IDR 500 million so that the total reached IDR 2.7 billion.

Renny handed over the money to handle the case review No.368PK / Pdt / 2015

Third, the receipt from the Director of PT Multi Bangun Sarana Donny Gunawan in 2015 through Rezky's account on 4 November 2015 amounting to IDR 2.5 billion, Calvin Pratama's account on 4 February 2016 amounting to IDR 1 billion, Yoga Dwi Hartiar's account on 17 March 2016 amounting to IDR 500 million and as of March 31, 2016 IDR 3 billion, bringing the total to IDR 7 billion.

Donny Gunawan gave the money for case management at the Surabaya District Court No.100 / Pdt.G / 2014 / PN.SBY and the Surabaya High Court No723 / Pdt. / 2014 / PT.Sby and MA No 3220 K / PDT / 2015.

Fourth, the receipt from Riadi Waluyo on April 20, 2016 through an account in the name of Calvin Pratama on March 19, 2015 amounting to IDR 1,687 billion for handling cases at the Denpasar District Court No 710 / Pdt.G / 2015 / Pn.Dps.

Regarding the verdict, Nurhadi and Rezky expressed their thoughts for 7 days, while the KPK prosecutor declared an appeal.

"We are declaring an appeal," said KPK prosecutor Wawan Yunarwanto

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