CIANJUR - Police Resort Cianjur, West Java, arrested a suspected drug dealer of methamphetamine. From the hands of the perpetrator named Ahmad alias Apip, a resident of Babakankaret Village, Cianjur District, officers secured 17 packages of methamphetamine weighing 7.21 grams. The Head of Drugs at the Cianjur Police, AKP Adi Septian Pramata, said that Apip's arrest began with reports from the surrounding community who were suspicious of the young man's daily activities because many residents from outside the village were visited. "Reports of residents of the suspect's rented house were visited by many people from outside, so we immediately responded to the report by sending members to the location, it was proven that during a search, dozens of methamphetamine packages were found," he said in Cianjur, Antara, Monday, May 20. The officers immediately took the suspect to the Cianjur Police Station to account for his actions and develop the case, including revealing the big city that had been supplying the illicit goods. The suspect admitted that he only sold methamphetamine on the orders of someone on behalf of Jajang who received supplies from Ahmad Rahman alias Bewok who is currently on the Cianjur Police Wanted List (DPO). "Jajang received a supply of methamphetamine from Bewok from Cipanas District, where the two people have been included in the DPO of the Cianjur Police, currently being chased by members," he said. Suspect Ahmad alias Apip is subject to Article 114 paragraph (2) Juncto Article 112 paragraph (2) RI Law 35 of 2009, concerning Narcotics with the threat of imprisonment for a minimum of 5 years and a maximum of 20 years.
Septian appealed to residents in various sub-districts in Cianjur, to help suppress drug trafficking by reporting to the authorities when they find suspicious activities in their respective neighborhoods. "We have been helped a lot from public reports, so that to reduce the space for perpetrators to move and drug trafficking must be a shared responsibility," he said.

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