JAKARTA - The Golkar Party responded to Anies Baswedan's statement that he would consider advancing again in the 2024 DKI Jakarta gubernatorial election. Golkar assessed that Anies would be demoted because of his status as a presidential candidate (candidate).

Chairman of the Golkar DPP Ace Hasan Syadzily, said everyone has the right to run as a Jakarta governor's candidate, including Anies. It's just that, Ace reminded, to run for the gubernatorial election requires the support of political parties (political parties).

"Kita tahu bahwa majunya seseorang menjadi kepala daerah itu harus mendapatkan dukungan dari partai politik, ya. Pertanyaan adalah tentu dari partai mana ya?," ujar Ace, Senin, 20 Mei.

In Ace's view, Anies will be demoted if he decides to fight again in the DKI Jakarta Pilkada. Because Anies is a former presidential candidate.

"Secondly, want to demotion from the presidential candidate to cagub again like that?," he said.

According to the Deputy Chairman of Commission VIII of the DPR, Anies must think carefully if he wants to run for the governor of DKI Jakarta. He also mentioned Anies' statement during a debate with the elected president, Prabowo Subianto.

At that time, the former governor of DKI called Prabowo a party that was not strong enough to be outside the government.

"So I think of course this must be considered. Because don't let what he said in the presidential candidate debate with Pak Prabowo, who is not strong, is not in power. It means that so far there are parties who always want to, always in power," he said.

Previously, former DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan said he would seriously think about the support given to him to move forward again at the 2024 Jakarta Governor Election. However, he did not answer when asked about the support of political parties.

"I thank you, it was an honor, an award. We are thinking about it seriously," Anies told reporters in the Central Jakarta area, Monday, May 20.

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