JAKARTA - Former DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan has begun to reconsider running as a candidate for the Governor of DKI Jakarta in the 2024 Pilkada. However, no party has yet revealed that it will carry it.

PDI-P (PDIP) has opened its voice about the opportunity to carry Anies in the 2024 DKI gubernatorial election. The DKI Jakarta PDIP Regional Leadership Council (DPD) Secretary Deserves Nainggolan saying his party will not come to Anies to propose to him.

Anies, said Pantas, had to take the initiative first to register as a cagub of DKI PDIP during the stages of selecting candidates for regional head candidates.

"We are currently opening registration, anyone can register. Well, including Mr. Anies. Mr. Anies must be aggressive, who must be initiative," Pantas said when contacted, Monday, May 20.

No wonder to elaborate, his party cannot invite figures to be promoted in the regional elections if they are not party cadres. So, if Anies does not register, then PDIP will not carry it.

"That's why it depends on the initiative of the person concerned. PDI Perjuangan, if cadres can go through the assignment route. If those who are not cadres, they must come," said Pantas.

On the one hand, PDIP also has a number of cadres who have the potential to be promoted in the DKI gubernatorial election. The names of cadres who have a chance are advanced in the DKI Pilkada including Tri Rismaharini, Abdullah Azwar Anas, Basuki Hadimuljono, Andika Perkasa, to Basuki Tjahaja Purnama.

Pantas mengungkapkan, kepastian soal kader yang didusulkan DPD PDIP DKI Jakarta ke dewan pimpinan partai (DPP) akan diumumkan dalam beberapa waktu mendatang.

"This week can be finished, please. Later we will also bring it to the DPP, we will convey it to the DPP later," he said.

Previously, Anies expressed the consideration of returning to the 2024 DKI Pilkada while attending the halal bihalal of residents who are members of the City Poor Network (JRMK) in Marlina Village, Muara Baru, North Jakarta, Sunday, May 20.

In fact, Anies admitted that he had received an invitation from a number of political parties to be promoted as candidates for the Governor of DKI Jakarta.

"I talked to ladies and gentlemen, indeed I received an invitation from political parties offered to be nominated as governor. I am currently considering whether to return or not, so I am considering it," said Anies.

Anies revealed that the consideration of returning to the DKI gubernatorial election was getting stronger after receiving support from a number of residents.

"What is clear is that the community is like that, the City Poor People Network conveys this aspiration, I will take it very, very seriously. Bismillah, we wait for the time and I want everyone to convey it," he said.

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