The Tidore Islands Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Tikep), North Maluku (Malut) managed to catch a car carrying undocumented fuel that crossed the area, precisely around the North Oba and Oba Police.
Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Tidore Police, AKP Indah Fitria Dewi, has ordered the Resmob and Tipiter Units to conduct further investigations.
The results of the investigation paid off. The team managed to secure a Suzuki New Carry pick-up car with police number DG 8616 MA carrying 800 liters of kerosene without valid documents and an IP driver (39 years).
Evidence and suspects are now being secured for further legal proceedings. This arrest is part of the police's efforts to eradicate the practice of distributing illegal fuel that is detrimental to the state and society.
He revealed that the arrest process took place on Sunday, May 19, 2024, last night. Indah Fitria Dewi appreciated the fast and responsive work of the Resmob and Tipiter Units in handling this case.
"Further investigations will be carried out to determine the origins of the illegal fuel and the parties involved in this smuggling activity," he explained in Ternate, Antara, Monday, May 20.
Polresta Tidore appealed to the public to always report all forms of illegal activities that occur in their environment for the creation of security and order in the community.
Previously, personnel of the Tidore Islands Kusu Crossing Post Monitoring personnel secured hundreds of bags of liquor (alcohol) that would be smuggled into the mining area.
Tidore Police Chief Kombes Pol Yury Nurhidayat added that his party was carrying out creating conditions with the target of the circulation of illegal liquor (alcohol) transported across the Tidore Islands Kusu monitoring Post, both R2, R4 and R6 vehicles, must be checked first in order to minimize Kamseltibcarlantas.
He said that during the implementation of the activity, the Head of Traffic Unit of the Tidore Police together with members also gave an appeal to road drivers and users to remain careful in traveling so that they arrived at their destination in good health and safety.
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