SEMARANG - It seems that romance still dominates acts of violence. The quarrel is broken by love and then acts brutally.

In Semarang City, Central Java, police arrested a young man who had stabbed a lover. The stabbing is thought to have the background of heartache due to love problems.

Kapolsek Ngaliyan Police Commissioner Christian Lolowang said the stabbing incident began when the perpetrator and the two victims met in front of SMAN 7 Semarang, Jalan Untung Suropati, Tuesday, March 9 evening.

The suspect, Ali Sabhana (27), a resident of Dawung Baru, Mijen, Semarang City, met victims Putri Amelia Vega Maharani (17) and David Okto Setiawan (17) who were riding a motorcycle.

"The perpetrator was then involved in an argument with the victim, Putri Amelia, because he allegedly did not accept the termination of his love affair," he said.

The perpetrator, who was drunk at that time, took out a knife that he thought had been prepared beforehand.

As a result of the incident, both victims suffered stab wounds to their hands, back and stomach. The perpetrator was arrested by the police several hours after receiving the incident report.

For his actions, the suspect was charged with Article 351 of the Criminal Code concerning torture and Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection.

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