BALI-President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) introduced the elected Indonesian president Prabowo Subianto to invited guests and delegates who were present at the opening ceremony of the 10th World Water Forum (WWF) Summit in Bali, Monday, May 20.

"On this auspicious occasion, allow me to introduce the elected president of Indonesia Prabowo Subianto," said President Jokowi during a speech at the opening ceremony of the 10th WWF Summit at the Bali International Convention Center (BICC), Bali, quoted from ANTARA, Monday, May 20.

The President's statement was welcomed by Prabowo, who sat at the forefront by standing from his chair and greeting the audience.

The moment of introduction was greeted by applause from the participants who were present at the BICC Bali Mangunpura Room.

Jokowi conveyed to the participants that Prabowo currently serves as the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia who will continue Indonesia's commitment to contribute to the management of the world's water needs.

"Thank you Pak Prabowo," said Jokowi.

Previously, President Jokowi welcomed the arrival of a number of state guests who were present to fulfill the invitation to the opening ceremony of the 10th WWF Summit at BICC Bali. They are President of Tajakistan Qohir Saulzoda, Meike Van Ginneken as envoy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, World Water Counsil Loic Fuchon, UN General Assembly Dennis Francis, Deputy Malaysian Prime Minister Dato Sri Haji Fadillah, Minister of Energy and Industry of the United Arab Emirates Suhai Mohamed Al Mazrouei,

Also present were Papua New Guinea Deputy PM Jhon Rosso, French special envoy Barbara Pompili, Hungry Janos Ader, Srilanka Ranil Wickremesinghe, Fiji President Ratu Wiliame Maivalili Kantonivre, Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives Puan Maharani, and PM Morocco Aziz Afannouch.

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