The joint Search and Rescue Team (SAR) cut the PK-IFP light plane to evacuate victims who died in a training plane crash that crashed on Jalan Lapangan Sunburst, BSD, Serpong, South Tangerang, Sunday afternoon.

During the evacuation process, SAR officers deployed a number of large-power cut tools to speed up the collection of the bodies of the victims.

However, until 16.31 WIB, the joint team had not succeeded in evacuating the victims of the PK-IFP plane belonging to the Indonesia Flying Club. The Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi in a written statement revealed that there were three fatalities in the air accident incident.

"Three people died," he said.

Two people are still trapped inside the fuselage. Another person is lying in the middle of the road. This plane that crashed was known to belong to the Indonesian Flying Club organization in Pondok Cabe, Pamulang District. Types of PK-IFP aircraft.

"The South Tangerang Police are conducting assistance to the victims and securing the crime scene," explained Ade.

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