JAKARTA - The Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, admitted that he did not prepare a special event to celebrate his child's birthday, Jan Ethes Srinarendra, this Wednesday, March 10.

This was conveyed by Gibran in response to questions from the media crew at the Surakarta Vocational Training Center.

"Mas (Gibran, red) today is Jan Ethes's birthday, isn't it, bro?" asked the media crew, quoted from the Surakarta news Youtube channel.

"Yes, a birthday," Gibran said.

"Is there an event, bro?" asked the reporter again.

"Nothing," Gibran replied.

For information, Jan Ethes is Gibran's first child with Selvi Ananda. They got married in 2015. Right today Jan Ethes celebrates his 5th birthday. Jan Ethes attended Early Years Focus Independent School Solo.

Jan Ethes has a younger sister named La Lembah Manah who was born on November 15, 2019.

For information, Gibran accompanied the Indonesian Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziah at the Surakarta Vocational Training Center inaugurated the Talent Corner after opening Competency-Based Training (PBK) in the Surakarta Vocational Training Center (BLK).

Mayor Gibran hopes that the training will be able to provide the output of Human Resources (HR) of Surakarta City which can create new jobs with qualified or capable skills or skills.

"Unemployment is increasing and even many businesses have closed or gone bankrupt. The PBB and Innovation Room are very promising and have good prospects," said Gibran.

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