PALU - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Central Sulawesi Province (Sulteng) said five villages in two districts were flooded due to high rainfall.

Head of the Central Sulawesi Provincial BPBD Emergency and Logistics Division Andy Sembiring said the five villages that were flooded were Bulangke, Maranda, and Trimulya Villages in Poso Pesisir Utara District, Poso Regency.

Then Tolisu Village in Toili District, and Replasan Village in Nuhon District, Banggai Regency.

Floods occurred in Poso Regency on Thursday (16/5) at around 21.00 WITA, and Banggai Regency at 22.20 WITA due to high rainfall causing the river water to overflow in the local area so that it inundated residential areas.

Based on the provisional assessment report, he said, as many as 30 housing units, one health facility, three educational facilities, and one place of worship were flooded in Martada Village.

Meanwhile, around 100 housing units and two patchy distillations were flooded in Trimulya Village, Poso Regency.

"Residents affected by flooding in Bungke Village, Poso Pesisir District are still in the data collection stage," he said.

For Tolisu Village, Banggai Regency has 18 housing units submerged and eight houses in Balaan Village.

There were no casualties and currently residents are staying in their respective homes even though the current situation of the water has not receded.

Based on the reports received, the current urgent needs include basic necessities, the need for river normalization, and repair of embankments to prevent further flooding if the intensity of rain returns high.

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