The KPK searched the house of one of the families of former Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL) who was a suspect in a suspected corruption case, on Jalan Letjen Hertasning, Makassar City, South Sulawesi.

"There were two rooms that were searched, I don't know exactly who the room is, which definitely looks like the main room. There was no (goods) taken. Earlier, it started at half past two (search)," said local RW Chairman Amin Usman after a search reported by ANTARA, Thursday, May 16.

The house belongs to SYL's younger brother, Andi Tenri Angka, the husband of the late Andi Darussalam Tabusala (ADS), the former chairman of PSSI South Sulawesi as well as a sports figure in South Sulawesi.

Tenri Angka's legal adviser, Muhammad Nasir when asked by reporters regarding the search, said his client was sent to monitor the search procession.

"It was an hour ago. I was asked to monitor his house. I am the family's attorney. However, because the advocates (lawyers) were already at one house, so it was handed over to the attorneys who were already inside," said Nasir.

Nasir declined to comment on the items brought by KPK personnel.

"I don't want to enter the realm of KPK capacity, whether it's a search or something should be confiscated. We didn't get there. Regarding the relationship between this house, we haven't been able to give a temporary response. This house belongs to Tenri Yasin Limpo, SYL's younger brother and I am the attorney for Tenri Angka," he stressed.

Previously, a number of fully armed police officers were seen on guard in the courtyard of 52A street Letjen Hertasning after the two cars entered the house carrying KPK investigators at around 14:45 WITA.

The officer wearing the vest with the words KPK then went down and checked around the white house and then went inside. It was also seen that one of the civilians was known by the head of the RW and witnessed the search.

The KPK investigation team previously also confiscated one of SYL's housing units in the Pandang Village area, Panakukang District, Makassar as evidence on Wednesday, May 15.

"Yesterday's investigative team has finished confiscation of assets that allegedly belonged to SYL in the form of a housing unit located in the Pandang Village area, Panakkukang District, Makassar City," said KPK spokesman Ali Fikri in his written statement.

It is estimated that the value of the house, said Ali Fikri, is around Rp. 4.5 billion and the source of the money is from MH, the former Director of Agricultural Equipment and Machinery of the Ministry of Agriculture who is also SYL's confidant.

The Asset Tracking Team from the Directorate of Asset Tracking, Evidence Management and Execution of the KPK is still conducting an investigation to back up the collection of evidence from the Investigative team.

"It is hoped that this confiscation can become an asset recovery in the court's decision later," said Ali Fikri.

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