JAKARTA - The Job Creation Law Task Force submits that the Job Creation Law (UU) is currently in an improvement stage with the aim that various policies are implemented by the community.

The Job Creation Law Task Force represented by the Chairman of the Strategic and Socialization Working Group of Dimas Oky Nugroho said that the Job Creation Law is currently in the repair stage by involving community participation or meanful participation in order to produce good policies and can be implemented in all levels of society.

"The Job Creation Law is here with the aim of integrating and simplifying every business licensing, so there needs to be adjustments to regulations in the regional government (Pemda)," said Dimas in Jakarta, Thursday, May 16, quoted by Antara.

In line with this, Indonesia has a special integration system in business licensing, namely OSS RBA (Online Single Submission Risk Based Approach) which is the main door in various transparent and accountable business licensing.

"With an integrated system such as OSS, it is hoped that there will be no overlap in policies between the central and regional governments. So that the synergy between the center and the regions will be better harmonious," said Dimas.

In addition, he emphasized that the strategic role of young people in developing the nation and state through domestic investment instruments.

Investasi itu tidak hanya berasal dari luar negeri saja. Justru investasi terbesar berasal dari penanaman modal dalam negeri, yang kalau kita lihat lebih jauh, usaha mikro yang memiliki dampak sangat besar bagi pembangunan nasional. Nah, pelaku usaha mikro ini biasanya adalah anak muda yang mulai memulai sejak tertu, kata Dimas.

He also said that to become an economically strong country, the younger generation cannot carry out business as usual, but there must be revolutionary policies such as the Job Creation Law.

"We see today, in the midst of the world's geopolitical situation that is heating up, Indonesia's growth condition is at 5 percent. This is driven by the development being promoted by the government, namely IKN, so that the circulation of money in Indonesia is very good," he said.

The younger generation, said Dimas, must understand and master digital products and be able to use them well and wisely in order to benefit the nation and state.

"This digital era can encourage the Indonesian labor market to compete, so that unique skills are needed from today's young people," he said.

Dimas continued, the Job Creation Law encourages workers to be more creative and provides safer guarantees for workers.

"And most importantly, the Job Creation Law is a form of taking sides with MSMEs and workers," he said.

There are several steps taken by the current government, namely assistance for the standardization of micro and small businesses with free licensing, as well as empowerment for micro and small businesses with a minimum provision of 30 percent of commercial land area in public infrastructure must be provided for the promotion and development of UMK with a minimum rental fee of 30 percent of the normal rental fee.

"The last one is micro business protection, which is carried out through credit restructuring, business reconstruction, and capital assistance from the government," said Dimas.

Currently is a crucial time for the Indonesian people, so the younger generation must advance to class, in order to realize the ideals of Indonesia Gold 2045.

There is no easy way to make us comfortable, apart from us moving and building, so that we can be superior to other nations. Furthermore, the state must guarantee and ensure that all policies can be implemented for everything, especially for young people," said Dimas.

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