YOGYAKARTA Every country in the world must establish economic cooperation on an international scale, both with countries that are located close to geographically or not. International cooperation has various forms, one of which is regional cooperation. So, what is regional cooperation? Here's the full explanation!

Citing the website of the Directorate General of Sea Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia, what is meant by regional cooperation is foreign cooperation between countries in the region involving more than two countries.

Regional cooperation is carried out by countries located in certain areas that are usually close together. The purpose of this international cooperation is usually in the interests of each country. However, in general, to advance countries that are located in an area or region.

For example, in the era of President Soeharto, regional cooperation was focused on economic interests and development, according to the Cabinet Secretariat website.

To support this utilization, Indonesia implemented a low profile foreign policy strategy that avoided confrontation.

Indonesia is taking advantage of its participation in ASEAN to build regional peace and security stability to be able to carry out domestic development.

In this period, Indonesia began to apply a concentric circle approach by placing Southeast Asia and the Southwest Pacific as its deepest circle.

Examples of Regional Cooperation

There are many examples of regional cooperation agreements carried out by countries in the world. Each of the cooperation has its own goals and meaning.

Quoted from the website of the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu), the following is an example of regional cooperation that you need to know:

That is information about what regional cooperation is and for example. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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