JAKARTA - President-elect Prabowo Subianto believes that the APBN is able to finance its priority programs, including free lunch and milk for students and nutrition improvement programs for pregnant women and children.

In front of foreign investors, economic practitioners, and representatives of foreign countries in Doha, Qatar, Prabowo admitted that he is also optimistic that he will be able to maintain the state budget deficit of no more than 3 percent when allocating the budget for his priority programs.

"We have learned this. We have calculated the numbers, and we are confident that we will be able to make that happen," Prabowo said in response to a question by senior journalist Haslinda Amin at the Qatar Economic Forum event in Doha, Qatar, reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 15.

He explained that Indonesia is one of the countries in the world whose debt-to-GDP ratio rate is low. Prabowo also said that Indonesia is also a country that prioritizes the principle of prudence in managing its fiscals.

"Yes, three percent, but the three percent figure is also something arbitrary. Not many countries set that limit, but Indonesia is a country that has a tradition of always being careful in managing its fiscals. Indonesia, I think, is one of the countries whose debt-to-GDP ratio rate is low in the world. And, at this time, I think it is time to be bolder, of course in implementing good governance, "said Prabowo.

He continued that there are several strategies to manage the budget so that it can be used optimally, including to finance free lunch and milk programs.

"We calculate that, and there is a method for refocusing and reducing budgets for programs that are not essential. This is a matter of efficiency, good governance, good governance and management," said Prabowo.

Prabowo melanjutkan pemerintahan saat ini yang dipimpin oleh Presiden Joko Widodo telah menerapkan digitalisasi dan komputerisasi dalam berbagai layanan pemerintahan, termasuk juga untuk pengadaan. Prabowo pun bertekad untuk melanjutkan itu karena digitalisasi dapat meningkatkan efisiensi, serta menekan keluakan anggaran.

"We can save a lot of money by cutting unnecessary ones, and this will contribute to growth, this will boost economic growth. So, yes, we are very confident," said Prabowo.

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