JAKARTA - The accident involved a personal Boeing 757 aircraft belonging to former President of the United States (US) Donald Trump with another airline jet that occurred at West Palm Beach International Airport in Florida.
Citing Reuters, Wednesday, May 15, Trump's private plane crashed into a corporate jet after a source informed him on Tuesday, May 14. Sources said the crash occurred on Sunday, May 12.
The US Federal Aviation Authority (FFA) said a private Boeing 757 aircraft came into contact with a passengerless jet parked at an airport in southern Florida. The FAA did not identify Trump's plane.
FFA said this incident occurred in an airport area where FFA did not control its aircraft. However, FFA guarantees that there will be more investigations related to incidents.
The incident came a day after Trump attended a rally in Wildwood, New Jersey, USA.
Trump's Boeing 757 became the main vehicle during his campaign to run for president again. When the plane landed in Ohio in March, airport information post voiced: "Trump Force One, you are allowed to land."
Trump bought the 1991 Boeing 757 worth $ 100 million in 2010. The interior of this aircraft is equipped with gold-plated accents, two private rooms, three bathrooms, a dining room and a meeting, as well as an entertainment system.
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