The police have named a soto driver with the initials NA (28) as the second suspect in the murder case of AH (31), a man whose body was found wrapped in a sarong in the Pamulang area, South Tangerang. In this case, the police have determined the victim's nephew with the initials FA (23) as a suspect. "Yes, (NA, the soto maker) is the second suspect," said Head of Sub-Directorate for Resmob of the General Criminal Investigation Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya AKBPani Yudho Ully to reporters, Monday, May 13. NA was named a suspect because he was involved or helped in the series of killings. From the results of the investigation, the soto driver helped dispose of the victim's body. In fact, previously it was he who incited the suspect FA to commit murder. "Then, he also gave a suggestion 'that's enough'. Then at the time of the incident, he looked around," he said. "After that, after the incident, he participated in cleaning up the blood marks and helping to buy gloves and then helping to lift the body to the sack to throw it away," continued Dink. Based on the investigation, the second suspect also held a grudge with the victim. However, it was not conveyed in a way what caused the soto driver to be hurt. "So the other one is helpful. So first, he is the same, history is hurt," said damage to him. Meanwhile, AH is a grocery trader who was killed at his shop in Dukuh Village, Ciputat, Friday, May 10.
After being killed, the victim's body was wrapped in a sarong and then dumped on an empty residential area in the South Tangerang area. The bodies of the victims were only found by local residents on May 11.

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