BELITUNG - The Belitung Regency Covid-19 Acceleration and Handling Task Force, Bangka Belitung Islands (Babel) stated that as many as 53 students from one of the Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) were confirmed positive for COVID-19.

The head of the Belitung COVID-19 Task Force, Sahani Saleh, said the 53 students who were confirmed positive for COVID-19 are currently undergoing isolation at the COVID-19 SKB Tanjung Pandan quarantine center.

"Santri who are known to be positive for COVID-19 have all undergone isolation at the Tanjung Pandan SKB for the process of health recovery," he said.

According to Sahani, based on a temporary investigation of the spread of COVID-19 in the Islamic boarding school, it was due to a student who had left the area.

"Some have returned to East Belitung, so they may be infected there when they return to the hut," he said.

As a result of the spread of COVID-19, the teaching and learning activities (KBM) at the Islamic boarding school were temporarily suspended.

"To prevent and stop the spread of the corona virus in the pesantren environment, our teaching and learning process is forced to stop temporarily," said Sahani.

The Task Force appealed to the public to adhere to health protocols such as wearing masks, washing hands and maintaining distance.

"The community must remain disciplined in implementing the health program, considering that the last few cases of COVID-19 have increased and our isolation area has also started to become full, so we ask the community to be disciplined in the health program," said Sahani.

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