JAMBI - Police have named three new suspects in the case of the death of a student at a Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes) in Tebo Regency, Jambi, after previously establishing two perpetrators of the persecution.

Director of the Directorate of Criminal Investigation at the Jambi Police, Kombes Andri Ananta Yudhistira, said the three suspects were proven to have obstructed the investigation process carried out by the police in uncovering the case of the death of an AH student.

"Investigators from Sub-Directorate III Jatanras and the Tebo Police have named three children who are in conflict with the law or suspects again in the AH death case at the Tebo Islamic Boarding School," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, May 13.

The three suspects are students at the Islamic Boarding School. The three are A alias P (15), AAN (14) and FVR (14).

The three of them are key witnesses in the case of AH's death due to the abuse carried out by the previous two suspects. All three have not yet been arrested.

From the facts at the trial, it was found that the three suspects were at the scene of the persecution and witnessed the abuse that resulted in the death directly.

"The results of the reconstruction are clear who is displayed above, we do not stop there, the facts of the trial show that there is involvement of other parties if it is proven that we will ask for accountability," he said.

The three new suspects were charged with Article 221 of the Criminal Code regarding obstructing the investigation process. The police also investigated the alleged involvement of other parties in the case of the death of the AH student.

Santri AH died after being persecuted by fellow students. The motive for this persecution occurred was because the perpetrator of the persecution did not accept that victim AH was collecting debts from him.

The death of the AH santri occurred in November 2023, until finally the police revealed the cause of death of the students in March 2024.

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