The tragedy of the deadly accident that occurred in Ciater, Subang Regency, West Java, claimed 11 lives. One of the victims' families complained about the condition of the bus carrying a group of students from the Lingga Kencana Vocational School, Depok, whose condition was not feasible.
"I do see that the main factor is that the car is very old and lacks treatment," said the uncle of the victim Robiatul Adawiyah, Robby Kurnia Akbar after burying his nephew at the Muslim Cemetery (TPUI), Depok City, as reported by ANTARA Sunday, May 12.
He saw firsthand the condition of the tourist bus with the number AD 7524 OG shortly after the accident at the scene. At that time he wanted to find information about his nephew's news.
In addition to seeing the bus that had been destroyed, Robby also witnessed the victims in a pathetic condition of injuries waiting to be evacuated from the accident site.
"When in Subang there were many victims whose wounds were really uncomfortable to see, someone cried," he said.
Even so, he handed over the problem of the bus which was deemed unfit for the road to the foundation that manages Lingga Kencana Vocational School.
"If we work together with the foundation in the future, we will make efforts to get to the bus PO. I don't want to interfere with bus business, let the school handle it," said Robby.
Previously, a tourism bus from the Lingga Kencana Depok Vocational School student group had an accident on the Palasari Village highway, Ciater District, Subang, on Saturday (11/5) at around 18:45 WIB.
The accident occurred when the bus carrying the group of students passed from Bandung to Subang.
Then when passing a downhill road, the bus suddenly swerved to the right and crossed the opposite lane until it hit a Feroza minibus vehicle number D 1455 VCD.
After hitting the vehicle on the opposite lane, the bus overturned with a tilted condition, the position of the left tire was above, until it slipped, hitting three motorbikes parked on the shoulder of the road.
While slipping on the downhill road, the bus stopped after hitting an electric pole on the shoulder of the road.
A total of 11 people died and dozens were injured in the bus accident.
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