JAKARTA - The special budget allocation for handling Papua, which is intended to buy several main weapons systems (alutsista), is considered to have to adjust the character of the assignment area.

Professor of Political and Security Sciences at Padjadjaran University Prof. Muradi gave an example, for example, buying for helicopters. The helicopter must be in accordance with the characteristic contour of the Papua region. "Don't buy, for example, used, if you want to try to buy used, combat helicopters that are usually used in the desert, for example, two different things," said Prof. Muradi quoting Antara.

He explained that the purchase of defense equipment that can be used according to the characteristics of the Papua region is very necessary considering that there is a time needed to wait for the arrival of the defense equipment if the equipment is new, not used.

"In my opinion, it's actually simple, the purchase didn't complete for a year or two from now, yes, so what Papua needs can be applied, but there needs to be a prerequisite," he said.

Meanwhile, he assessed that the purchase of drones is currently more necessary than buying helicopters or aircraft.

"The drone can now be used. Why then is it not prioritized rather than buying helicopters, for example? I think flying drones for surveillance (supervision), for quotes and even bombings, for example in limited terms, yes, attacks are limited, it can be done. It's much cheaper if you really want to be fast, "he said.

He explained that currently the situation in Papua requires swift action to paralyze the movement area of the Free Papua Organization (OPM) separatist group.

In addition, he also explained that the purchase of defense equipment with a special budget must adjust the development of geopoliticals and military areas in Papua in the future.

"Buy it, don't adjust to money, but adjust it to the region, what are the regional targets to be carried out? Because if not, I think the purchase will be a new problem, why? Because later use will be common," he said.

Previously, the Indonesian Ministry of Defense (Kemhan) said that it had proposed a special budget allocation for handling Papua, which was intended to buy a number of defense equipment, such as helicopters, planes, and sensors.

Acting Secretary General of the Indonesian Ministry of Defense Donny Ermawan Taufanto when he was a resource person in the briefing of TNI and Polri officers in Jakarta, Wednesday (8/5), explained that these tools were needed by TNI soldiers and Polri personnel, including to help them map the terrain while in charge of crushing OPM separatists in Papua.

"We are very concerned about this. We have submitted some to the government to prepare an additional budget specifically for handling Papua, but until now the special budget has not gone down," said Donny at the Indonesian Navy Command Staff School Command Headquarters (Seskoal), Jakarta, Wednesday (8/5).

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